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hi, i am called Linzi and i already hav my own website and i also hav a page on Andy Pandys wesite AND i hav loadsa pics on Ross Ms site so the ony one left 2 take over was this one and thats about it really

Yeay I got the pic AT LAST!

Yeah I kinda have an obsession with celebs doin this.Oh yeah I have my own website too.

  My Wesite is better than this one...heehee ho ho

phenomenon, do do dododo...... the muppets kicks ass especially beaker, the dude that says meep meep all the time

Princess Linzi

I am a princess, well actually Im not.  When im older i wanna be God cos he sucks at the moment, that man hates me 4 sum reason.  Anyway if i cant take over God i wanna take over the world, or become the Queen cos she does Jack-poopie all day so that would be nice to do.  O yeh if i can do that then i wanna go live with my best friend, hes a leprechaun called Jim, hes actually really nice apart from the fact that he bites people he doesnt know and hes a drunk, but hey!Btw, i have my own website.....details as before

click on this

Fav. Things

I have loads of favourite things in life, but my most favourite thing in the whole world is definately music.  I love most types of music apart from mad bang bang bammy music or raaaarr screamy gothy music.  I also love loadsa famous guys, but no1 who knew me doesnt even know that at all.....who do i love, cos the list is sooo long....Lee Ryan from blue, Elijah Wood, James Bourne and Matt Willis from Busted, Seann William Scott, the S Club 8 boyz, they r proper bo ,the big brother voice-over man and o yeh Dermott O'Learly, god hes fitRobert Williams,Dominic Monaghan,Billy Boyd, Gandalf,Jonny Depp as a pirate,jonny wilkinson but im not supposed 2 like him cos im scottish but i do so heyho,Hugh Grant,Sam Nixon from Pop Idol, cris the vicar aswell,Abs omg omg o yeh and Justin*sed in a high squeaky voice found in Seniorita*Timberlake......rarr.......o btw my websited dead gd

If u didnt do it before and ur still here, then click on this

Excuse me

Dont u h8 it when ur watching the tennis and theres always this dead English person who shouts "come on Tim"anyone who wants an impersination of this, see me im good at it, and the players always seem 2 kinda grunt, uh

Will, the once nice boy of pop has turned 2 the dark side(yup ive been on it 4 a while now)

! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ?

O yeh, check out me website