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Hey....ho....lets go!

Hey I'm kinda bored so i decided to make this page even tho it is actually my own website.  News with me? Hmm I found out how to put my guestbook on(its on the homepage) I had my geog prelim AND I found the pic i have been looking for for a week! Anyway....

  Yeay its Sam

Thats Sam Nixon from Pop Idol2.  He well shoulda won just like Gareth two years ago....but we wont go into that.  Anyway me and Linzi are goin to see him and Chris the vicar at the Pop Idol concert on 15th March! YEAY!

Sam ^

  < Thats Gareth

Thats Gareth and its an absolutely gorgeous poster.  You can get it in 2 issues ago of smash hits and the last issue of it aswell but thats a bit useless now.  No doubt it will be in sneak soon aswell.  Btw if youve got it and dont want it feel free to give me it!  OMG the Gareth concert dont get me started.  That was amazin but the day before was better.  A day off to meet gareth!  Anyway I'm goin to see him WITH LINZI(ha ha nae joy to you) on the 28th of Feb so if your going tell me....and if you dont wana admit it tell me anyway cos then I can brag to you that I have got good seats - but if your front row dont bother tellin me.

Its Gareth!

  Busted(aint James cute!)

Yeah the Busted concert.  Last year amazin, Live and loud even better.  Matt if you are readin this(1)get in touch and (2)I was lovin the trucker hat!  Anyway.  Busted concert this year - 16th March(day after Pop Idol concert) its gonna be good guys.  7 rows from the front - yes linzi as in 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 AND from the front not back FRONT!! COME ON!  Anyway hope your goin and if your not they nae joy cos there are no tickets left of the 24 dates so u snooze you lose.