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Random photos

These are some of my fave random photos of Busted that I decided to put it cos I'm really bored.


Aww Matt looks so cuuuuute in this pic!


This is Matt doin his monkey impressions again!

Busted are stunned......

By my good looks cos o course I'm up there!  Naturally! ahem.....


Yeah I spelt my name wrong AGAIN.....and that was James' reaction. lol.

hee hee

Who knew two grown men could be so easily amused.


Matt: "Eugh someones done a smelly"

Chazwick: "I say dear Matthew I believe your right....the vulgarity of it all"

James: "This is a weird menu....?"


James: "Oh ho the very thing" ((points to Nicola from girls aloud))

Charlie: "Ah yes dear James....the culprit has been found.."

Matt: "Hmmm....whats for lunch?"