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More random pics

Here are some more random pics. If you have any will u send me them.


I used to get called Yoda, not cos im green...cos im not green, but cos Im small.

Lee doing "a Linzi"

Linzi does this alot and when I found this it reminded me of her.

From Ross Mc

Ross Mcleod sent me this and well I though it was funny. just me?

From Craige

Craige sent me this and Im not quite sure what it is(no offence)

Hobbits rule

Very true...hobbits do rule - especially Frodo.


This is from Craige again.

From Craige

So is this.  Im not to sure what it is mind you.


Thats for Linzi cos she loves tinkerbell.


This got put in cos it did.  And strawberries taste nice.

Ice lollies

Ross C sent me this


Gemz sent me this. ta very much

Camp man

CAMP MAN! Wooo. aka Fed from bb4.  He rawked.

Lee Ryan from blue

This is Lee with his teddy.  Hes soo cute.  From my big pal linzi!


He is like Linzis all time fave cartoon character apart from Pingu, norman from fireman sam and a whole load of other ppl. lol.